We were on a camping holiday and decided to go for a long hike in the mountains. it was fantastic and i liked it so much.
first me and my friends found a place where we left our tents. this evening we made some food and than we slept. but suddenly i heard a loud roar. something was trying to get into our tent. me and my friends were scared. but we remembered that we had a gun. we shot the bear was scared and ran away.
in the morning we packed and continued our hike in the mountain
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bolatzarina bolatzarina    1   10.10.2019 23:04    1

Ramazanguly Ramazanguly  10.10.2020 05:57
В первом абзаце, 2 предложение : напиши лучше не liked, а enjoyed, так красивее звучит.
Во втором абзаце, первое предложение foundED (в времени глагол имеет такое окончание). Второе предложение скажи лучше we went to sleep (мы пошли спать, а ты сказал мы спали. В четвёртом предложение лучше скажи не something (что-то), а someone (кто-то), так правильнее. We shot, and the beat was scared, after that he ran away. Скажи так.
Третий абзац : we took all our staff скажи так, вместо we packed. We packed звучит некрасиво.
Вроде все ясно))
elenafedorova elenafedorova  10.10.2020 05:57

We were on a camping holiday and decided to go for a long hike in the mountains. It was fantastic and I liked it so much.

First, my friends and I found a place where we set our tents. That evening we made some food and then we went to sleep. But suddenly, I heard a loud roar. Something was trying to get into our tent. And my friends and I were scared. But we remembered that we had a gun. After that, we shot the bear. He was scared and ran away.

In the morning we packed up and continued our hike in the mountain.

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