way is *** 164. a, an, the or no article? (920) 1. ... farmer has got horse and cow. horse is in field, cow is on farm. 2. people who take photographs are called photographers. 3. ... picture of something that you make with camera is photograph 4. programme is plan or schedule. 5. route. 6. Is this way to post office? 7. Hungary is European country. 8. calendar is chart with dates on it. 9. driver is someone who drives bus car or lorry. 10. car park is area where people can leave their cars. 11. Where's nearest car park? 12. cyclist is someone who rides bike. 13. What's wrong with cyclist? 14. There's helmet on .. shelf 15. helmet is hat that you wear to protect your hear. 16. Why must cyclists always wear helmets? 2. anla the sentences А

SvetaMatyukhina SvetaMatyukhina    3   16.02.2022 06:13    32

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