Was fred flintstone a vegetarian?

some anthropologists now think that for millions of years man’s diet was more than 80 percent vegetarian. alan vega investigates …

twenty-four million years ago, when our ancestors lived in the tropical forests of central africa, they probably ate plants and fruits, and from time to time a few insects . when these prehistoric people started to travel north into the savannah, their diet changed too, and they began to eat a lot of seeds and other plant material. and this is probably how man lived for the next twenty-two million years, eating roots, seeds, fruit, nuts, vegetables, and occasionally a little meat.
the aztecs and incas ate a lot of cereals, beans, and fruit and not much meat at all. in classical india most people didn't eat meat and the japanese were mainly vegetarian until a few generations ago. the main food of the slaves who built the pyramids was boiled onions! even today, some societies whose lifestyles are unchanged (like the aborigines of western australia) are still mostly vegetarians.
during the nineteenth century people in western countries suddenly began to eat a lot more meat. new methods of keeping and killing animals, better transport, and new inventions like fridges and freezers helped to reduce the price of meat for ordinary people. it was probably at this time that the typical western meal that millions of people eat every day — meat, potatoes and vegetables-was born.
also during the nineteenth century, the vegetarian movement began in europe and the usa. but it was only in the 1960s that more and more people in the west decided to give up meat in their diets. so why do people choose to be vegetarian? many people decide to become vegetarians for personal reasons. first of all, some people think that it's healthier not to eat meat. others believe that it's cruel to eat animals. the irish writer george bernard shaw once said: "animals are my friends. - and i don't eat my friends" finally, there are some people who think that growing food for cows and pigs to eat is not very economical. today, vegetarianism is more and more popular in europe and the usa. but in most countries people who never eat meat are still a very small minority.

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shydik37 shydik37    3   19.01.2020 13:36    93

Pomogu0pogalycta Pomogu0pogalycta  15.01.2024 13:29
Антропологи считают, что в течение миллионов лет питание человека составляло более 80 процентов растительной пищи. Фред Флинтстоун был персонажем в мультсериале, который являлся вегетарианцем. Доказательства этого можно найти в тексте, где говорится о том, что большинство древних людей ели растения, фрукты, орехи и иногда немного мяса. Некоторые цивилизации, такие как ацтеки, инки и классическая Индия, также употребляли очень мало мяса в своем рационе, преимущественно предпочитая злаки, бобы и фрукты. Однако с появлением новых методов выращивания и убоя животных в XIX веке, популярность мясной пищи в западных странах значительно возросла, а с нею и стандартное западное питание, состоящее из мяса, картофеля и овощей. В течение XIX века также началось движение вегетарианства в Европе и США, и только в 1960-х годах все больше людей в Западе начали отказываться от мяса в своих рационах. У каждого свои личные причины стать вегетарианцем: для некоторых это связано с заботой о здоровье, для других - с осуждением жестокости по отношению к животным, а для третьих - с экономическими соображениями относительно выращивания пищи для скота. Сегодня вегетарианство становится все более популярным в Европе и США, но по-прежнему люди, которые исключительно не употребляют мясо, являются меньшинством.
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