Выручайте! нужно небольшое эссе (80-90 слов) на тему " we also too young to see only bad sides of life" (мы еще слишком молодые, чтобы видеть только плохие стороны жизни). совсем с фантазией туго, ничего в голову не идет.. можете написать на , переведу сама.

fast0l0n fast0l0n    2   24.05.2019 22:50    1

dongrigoriew20 dongrigoriew20  20.06.2020 21:22
I think that people who under eighteen years old don't know what is life because they are too young. When you are young, you see life like in "color" glasses. All what you need you can buy with help of your parents. You begin understand life when you see real problems, job, your family. I think that this problems begin at age of 30. Because lots of people get married this time. When you get second half of your life, you decide what you need, and what is wasting time. 88 слов)
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