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Why did a prehistoric reptile get a girl’s name?

Where is the Isle of Wight?

What is the origin of the island’s name?

What animal is prohibited on the Isle of Wight?

What is the emblem of the Isle of Wight?

What do touriststake from the Isle of Wight as a memory?

What is special about the language spoken on the island?

The Isle of Wight is considered to be the largest island of England. The island measures about 380 square km, of which about half is an area of outstanding natural beauty. About 140,000 people live on the island and several million people visit it each year. This paradise is located in the English Channel which separates the continent and Great Britain.

The accent of the Isle of Wight is similar to the traditional dialect of southern England. While speaking, the natives of the island drop some consonants and put an emphasis on longer vowels. The Isle of Wight has its own local and regional words. Some of their words (e.g. grockle – visitor, tourist and nipper – a younger male person) are used in the neighbouring areas of the mainland too.

There are many red squirrels which are the only squirrel native to the British Isles. However, there are few of them left on the mainland now. Red squirrels are being replaced by American grey squirrels. The grey squirrels carry the deadly parapox virus, which is fatal to the reds. The strait between the island and the mainland provides a barrier to grey squirrels. It is illegal to bring a grey squirrel onto the island, with a penalty of two-year's imprisonment.

The Isle of Wight is not large, but it has lots of sights to see. One of the most well-known places is Alum Bay which is famous for the sand on its beach. The sand is of different colours – from red to purple, from brown to white. Tourists usually buy a glass paperweight with stripes of coloured sand, and take it back home as a souvenir.

The Isle of Wight has recently been declared the Dinosaur capital of the UK! Bones of more than 25 different species were found on the small island, including the largest British dinosaur. In 2009, five-year-old Daisy Morris discovered the remains of an undiscovered species on the beach, which has been named after her – the Vectidraco (Dragon of the Wight) Daisymorrisae.

The correct spelling of the island’s name is Wight not White. Wight is an old English word to describe a creature or living being. The experts do not have a common opinion on why the island was called that. The only thing that can be said for sure is that the name has nothing to do with the colour.

EzNoobXex EzNoobXex    2   23.04.2020 21:25    41

igubanova igubanova  13.10.2020 19:24





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