Выполните translate into english making use of the verbs in brackets. 1. я считаю, что это был благородный поступок с его стороны. ( to consider, to think ) 2. я не позволяю говорить такое в моем присутствии. ( to have, to stand, to let, to allow ) 3. я хочу, чтобы мы все были друзьями. ( to want, to wish ) 4. мы много раз слышали, как он рассказывал эту . ( to hear ) 5. поручите вашему секретарю сделать копию этого документа. ( to have ) 6. можем ли мы рассчитывать на то, что вы нас поддержите? ( to count on, to rely on, to depend on ) 7. никто, кроме нее, не заметил, как выражение его лица неожиданно изменилось. ( to seem to notice ) 8. правильно ли я понял, что вы придерживаетесь того же мнения? ( to understand )

Damir123400 Damir123400    3   14.03.2019 21:58    80

FfffdZb FfffdZb  23.12.2023 01:38
1. I consider/think that it was a noble act on his part. To translate this sentence, we can use the verb "to think" or "to consider" to express the idea of having an opinion or belief, and "that" introduces the clause. The adjective "noble" can be directly translated as "noble" in English, and "on his part" can be translated as "from him."

2. I will not have/stand/let/allow such speech in my presence. In this sentence, we can use the verbs "to have," "to stand," "to let," or "to allow" to convey the idea of not permitting or tolerating something. The phrase "in my presence" can be directly translated as "in my presence."

3. I want/wish for all of us to be friends. To translate this sentence, we can use the verbs "to want" or "to wish" to express the desire, and "for all of us" can be translated as "everyone" or "all of us."

4. We have heard many times how he told this story. In this sentence, we use the verb "to hear" to express the action of perceiving sound. The phrase "many times" indicates repetition, and "how he told this story" can be directly translated in the same word order.

5. Have your secretary make a copy of this document. In this sentence, we use the verb "to have" to express the action of asking someone to perform a task. "Your secretary" can be translated as "your secretary" or "the secretary you have," and "a copy of this document" can be directly translated in the same word order.

6. Can we count on you to support us? In this sentence, we use the verbs "to count on," "to rely on," or "to depend on" to express the idea of relying or depending on someone. The phrase "to support us" can be directly translated as "for supporting us."

7. No one, except her, noticed how the expression on his face suddenly changed. In this sentence, we use the verb "to seem" to convey the perception of something. The phrase "to notice" can be directly translated as "notice." The phrase "how the expression on his face suddenly changed" can be directly translated in the same word order.

8. Did I understand correctly that you hold the same opinion? In this sentence, we use the verb "to understand" to convey the action of comprehending something. The phrase "that you hold the same opinion" can be directly translated in the same word order.
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