Выполните письменно в тетради упражнение, вставив в пропуски правильное дополнение к фразовому глаголу с bring, пользуясь справкой выше:
1) «Scriptonit» is bringing ___ his new album this Winter.
2) Robert had passed out and his friends brought him ___ with the help of a glass of water.
3) I work at the company which brings me ___ $5 000 per month.
4) The amendments (поправки) made in Russian Constitution will bring ___ many changes in people’s lives.
5) Some people know nothing about bringing ___ children.
6) This song always brings ___ memories from the time we travelled to Iceland by car.

КурогаБич КурогаБич    3   24.11.2020 14:21    3

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