Выполните Кроссворд на английском языке на тему «HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE».
4. You use your
to listen to music.
5. Lifting weights makes you
6. Good food and exercise help you stay
9. You use your
to watch a game.
10. Candy, potatoes, chips and hamburgers are called
12. The dentist extracted a bad
14. Exercising in water is

оали мамы​

ЕмелиЯна ЕмелиЯна    1   04.02.2021 14:38    20

Настя0330 Настя0330  24.01.2024 08:22
4. You use your ears to listen to music. (E-A-R-S)
5. Lifting weights makes you strong. (S-T-R-O-N-G)
6. Good food and exercise help you stay healthy. (H-E-A-L-T-H-Y)
9. You use your eyes to watch a game. (E-Y-E-S)
10. Candy, potatoes, chips, and hamburgers are called junk foods. (J-U-N-K F-O-O-D-S)
12. The dentist extracted a bad tooth. (T-O-O-T-H)
14. Exercising in water is beneficial for your muscles. (B-E-N-E-F-I-C-I-A-L)

1. You should brush your teeth twice a day. (T-E-E-T-H)
2. Running, swimming, and cycling are examples of physical activities. (P-H-Y-S-I-C-A-L A-C-T-I-V-I-T-I-E-S)
3. Eating fruits and vegetables is a part of a healthy diet. (H-E-A-L-T-H-Y D-I-E-T)
7. Drinking water helps to keep your body hydrated. (H-Y-D-R-A-T-E-D)
8. Resting and sleeping well are important for your body to recover. (R-E-C-O-V-E-R)
11. You should avoid eating too much sugar. (S-U-G-A-R)
13. Walking or biking to school is a good way to stay active. (A-C-T-I-V-E)

- The crossword is based on the theme of a healthy way of life.
- Across is the direction in which we read the clues horizontally.
- Down is the direction in which we read the clues vertically.
- The numbers indicate the corresponding clue for each word.
- The words in the brackets are the answers to the clues, which fit into the crossword grid.
- Each word is related to the topic of a healthy lifestyle, such as physical activities, healthy eating, dental hygiene, etc.
- By completing the crossword, you will learn and reinforce vocabulary related to a healthy way of life.
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