. Выполните аннотированный реферат текста на английском языке, соблюдая следующие требования: а) выделите основную мысль текста, а также второстепенные идеи, доказывающие основные положения повествования;
б) языковое оформление реферата должно соответствовать стилю первоисточника, но не должно дублировать оригинал (перефразируйте утверждения из текста);
в) для логичности изложения используйте средства логической связи текста, специальные вводные клише и выражения;
г) объем реферата должен составлять не менее 80 и не более 120 слов.

Communication Types
Centralized networks involve terminals and mainframes and rely upon direct cabling from the terminal to the main computer. Processing takes place in the central, or main, computer. Centralized networks are powerful and highly reliable. They are also costly and not as scalable as a client/server network. Expanding a mainframe based network can mean replacing expensive hardware. On the plus side, mediating software is available allowing interoperation between mainframes and client/server networks.
A peer-to-peer network functions best when limited to 10 machines or less. There is no central computer. Each computer is responsible for its own operations and software. The connected computers may share files and resources found on each other's hard drives. When one peer uses a resource available through another peer, such as a printer, the performance of the peer contributing the resource may slow down. These networks are not designed with security in mind. Peer-to-peer networks are inexpensive and easy to maintain.
A client/server network uses a central computer, called a server, that provides services to end-user machines called clients. Client/server networks are powerful, wide-ranging systems that work well for up to 100 machines. The central computer, or server, contains a variety of server software, each dedicated to servicing a specific task. These tasks may include printer service, file sharing service, mail/message service, or a variety of other services.
A client/server network is highly scalable, cost effective, can link multiple platforms such as Windows NT and Macintosh, and can support thousands of clients via a WAN. Each client/server network comprises a LAN, which can be connected to other LANs to create a WAN.
1. Определите название текста
The title of the text is “…” (The text is entitled “…”)
2. Определите автора текста
The author of the text is … (The text is written by …)
3. Определите источник публикации
The text is taken from … (The text is published in …, number …, on page
4. Определите основную идею текста
The text is about … (The main idea of the text is …; The text is devoted to
…; The purpose of the text is to give the reader some information on …)
5. Кратко передайте содержание текста (10-15 предложений)
The author starts by telling the reader that …
The author stresses …
It is reported that …
It is found out that …
It is assumed that …
It is pointed out that …
It is claimed that …
Particular emphasis is placed on the fact, that …
The text discusses…
The text considers…
The text analyzes…
The text reports on …
Further the author reports that …
According to the text, …
Much (little) attention is given to the fact, that …
A careful account is given to …
A detailed (brief) description is given to the fact, that …
Of particular interest is the fact, that …
The author cites … (the words of…, who says, that …)
6. Определите выводы, к которым приходит автор в конце текста
In conclusion the author wants to add that …
It is recognized that …
7. Выразите свое мнение по обсуждаемой проблеме
The text is expressive/very emotional
The text contains very important facts
The text contains the most up-to-date information on …
The text is of (great) interest for …
The text is (highly) recommended to …
The information is of value for …
The text contains a lot of key (important) words (terms), such as …

CHeryPk CHeryPk    3   16.05.2021 22:42    36

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