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During our school life we begin to think about our future life, our job. After leaving school some young people start working, go into business; some of them get professional and higher education. While choosing a career you should take into consideration all main possibilities that your future profession provides. The profession must be interesting, it must give you an opportunity to earn a living; you must be sure of your future job.

There are many professions in the world, so it is quite difficult to choose and make a decision. Some follow their own choice; some follow parents’ advice, because they can help to make future plans. As for me, I have chosen the profession of a medical worker. I would like to tell you about my future profession. It is a noble and ancient profession. A medical worker prevents diseases and prolongs life of the people. One must have deep knowledge and master his profession to treat people and fight against infections. To be a good medical worker means to be honest, unselfish, hard-working, attentive to people, responsible and optimistic. One devotes himself to his work and gives all the knowledge, talent and time to the people. It is not easy, so I must work hard to realize my wishes because the future is purchased by the present. If you want something done well do it yourself, make a right decision.

1. (Найдите английские эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний в тексте и запишите в тетрадь)

1.выбирать карьеру 2.принимать решение3.следовать своему выбору ( совету родителей ). 4.принимать во внимание 5.обеспечивать возможности 6.зарабатывать на жизнь 7.благородный 8.предотвратить болезнь 9.продлять жизнь 10.глубокие знания 11.лечить людей 12.бороться с инфекцией 13.посвятить себя 14. Будущее делается в настоящем. 15.строить планы на будущее 16.честный, бескорыстный, трудолюбивый, ответственный

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