выполнить тест Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо :

A. the

B. no article

1. Excuse me, how can I get to ...National Gallery?

2. ..Coliseum Theatre is one of the greatest tourist attractions of Rome.

3. The building of ...Tower Bridge took 8 years.

4. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to visit … Hermitage.

5. ..Supreme Court is the highest judicial body in the country.

6. ..Titanic sank on April 14, 1912.

7. International security is among the main aims of ...UN.

8. ..NATO consists of 28 independent member countries.

9. ..British Museum houses a large collection of unique objects.

10. ..Kremlin is one of the symbols of Russia.

11. ..Heathrow is the largest airport in London.

12. ..Bolshoi Theatre was founded by Catherine II.

13. He has graduated from ...Cambridge University.

14. ..Red Lion was John’s favourite pub so he used to go there every weekend.

15. There are two fountains in ...Trafalgar Square.

16. ..Eiffel Tower stands 324 metres hight.

17. ..Beatles were extremely popular the 1960s.

18. Freddie Mercury was the leader of ...Queen.

19. The tourists decided to stay in ...Hilton Hotel.

20. His dream is to become an editor of ...Times one day.

21. The Labour Party won three seats in ...House of Parliament.

22. ..Royal Opera House is situated in the centre of Covent Garden.

23. ..BBC have just produced the new series.

24. What’s his job? – I don’t know but they say he works for ...FBI.

25. My friend lives in ...Broadway.

26. How many albums have ...Rolling Stones released?

27. The leader of ...Labour party made his speech in public.

28. ..House of Commons is a part of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

29. ..Westminster Abbey, which is the coronation church, is more than one thousand years old.

30. ..Kennedy Airport is located in the New York city.

31. ..Hyde Park is famous for Speaker’s Corner.

32. ..Olympic Games attract lots of people all over the world.

33. It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years to rebuild ...St. Paul’s Cathedral after the Great Fire of London.

34. ..Great Wall of China is immensely long.

35. We studied ...French at the University.

36. ..Tower of London is more than 900 years old.

37. Have you ever visited ...Winter Palace in St. Petersburg?

38. ..Red Square is the central square of Moscow.

39. Everybody knows that the home of the Royal family is ...Buckingham Palace.

40. ..Chinese language is very complicated.

cherry1527 cherry1527    1   16.05.2020 00:14    132

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