Выпишите все глаголы-сказуемые из текста и определить их видовременные формы when 18-year old ryan paterson read a story in his local newspaper about a teenage girl who couldn’t hear or speak, it gave him an idea. the girl used sign language, but she needed a human translator with her all the time. ryan designed a glove that could translate sign language into text. it used electronic sensors to read the hand movements of the person who was wearing it. then it transmitted the data to a portable device that displayed the text on screen. the device only translated the alphabet, but a special program allowed the user to adapt hand movements. the user could give special meanings to certain hand movements. ryan built two prototypes using a leather golf glove. he tested it with students from the national technical institute for the deaf. now, he has a patent on the device which means that he owns the idea. he’s thinking about starting his own company so can develop the design and market it.

Ррргчг2424 Ррргчг2424    3   15.07.2019 06:20    4

shdbrjhb shdbrjhb  20.09.2020 21:28
read  couldn’t, gave used  needed designed could used  was  transmitted  displayed translated allowed could built tested - Past Simple.
has means owns can - Present Simple.
’s thinking - Present Continuous
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