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Canada has about 400 million hectares of forest or other wooded land, nearly 92% of which is publicly owned. The federal, provincial and territorial governments share responsibility for these public forests.
Canada’s 10 provinces and 3 territories have jurisdiction over 90% of the country’s forests. Each provincial and territorial government develops and enforces legislation, regulations and policies related to forests.
Nearly 4% of Canada’s forests are under federal government and Aboriginal ownership. These forests are mainly located in national parks, lands owned by the Department of National Defense (DND) and federal lands held in reserve for-, or lands otherwise controlled by Aboriginal peoples. The regulation and management of forestry operations on these lands is the responsibility of several federal government departments. Aboriginal governments and communities are increasingly assuming roles of responsibility over federal lands and forests as well.
Only 6% of Canada’s forests are privately owned. Timber companies in some provinces own large tracts of forest (for example, in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and British Columbia). The rest of the private forest land base is divided primarily among thousands of small family-owned forests and woodlots located across Canada.
About one-tenth of the total volume of roundwood and pulpwood harvested in Canada comes from private lands.
Canada is the second largest exporter of primary forest products in the world, but it also imports wood and wood products.
Most of these imports are associated with cross-border trade with the United States, which is also a low-risk jurisdiction for illegal harvesting. The forest products sector in Canada and the United States is highly integrated, with logs and other timber products crossing the border to supply mills in both countries.
Canada also imports relatively small volumes of wood products from other sources.