Выпишите из текста все глаголы по порядку ! (если глаголы повторяются, выписать столько раз, сколько слово встречается в тексте).

Dolphins are beautiful and clever. They live in a deep blue sea and they swim in the waves all day long. They like to play with each other and sometimes they even play with people. They often follow a ship and you can see them through the water. They are playful and kind and there is a story about dolphins that save people in the open sea.

б) Напишите те глаголы, которые могут употребляться в продолженном времени, с окончанием “ –ing”.

leave sing

sit run

hate eat

wear hear



Перепишите и поставьте артикль “the” там, где нужно

1.USA is in North America.

2.Asia is the biggest continent.

3.Lake Baikal is inRussia

4.London is the biggest city in the UK.

5. Chervonoye is a large freshwater lake in Belarus.

6. I live in Lesnaya street.

7. Yesterday Nick went to Moscow.

8. It was very cold on Monday.


Составьте из слов предложения и напишите их.

She / helping / her / in / mother / kitchen / the /was

Pens / my / in / pencils / are / and / pencil-box /

many / got / you / friends / Have?

Kuk1212 Kuk1212    1   22.05.2020 09:27    4

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