Выписать грамматические основы из текста. food is an important substance for the human body. basically it consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. in addition to these three nutrients, the food is still divided into two groups: foods of plant origin and food of animal origin. the first group (vegetable food) is everything that grows from our earth. in the first place is the vegetables. vegetables contain negligible amount of calories and very rich in fiber. where vegetables, there are definitely fruits. compared to vegetables, fruit is more dangerous for the figures, because any fruit is primarily a carbohydrate product. in this regard, consumption of fruit should not exceed 500-700 grams per day. any seeds are also included in our list are legumes and grains. the second group (animal food) are all elements of the supply obtained directly from animals. what can we give animals? by and large it's milk and eggs. thus, all dairy products will automatically become animal food, i.e., cheese, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, natural yoghurts, and so on. honey is also included in this list, as well as all meat (beef, veal, pork) and meat products (sausages, burgers). most healthy food is food from the first group. the fact is that this food is suitable for everyone: patients and healthy people, children and the elderly. however, the second group also will not harm healthy people, especially if it is not used in a revised form.