Выбрать правильный вариант Protection Against Environmental Pollution
Any operating nuclear power plant releases fission products into the environment, which causes environmental pollution.
To prevent the harmful effects of nuclear power release , the nuclear power plants are supplied with protective installations that serve as barriers to the pollution.
First, the nuclear fuel and the fission products are confined within sealed tubes made of stainless steel or zirconium. Then the assembly of tubes is placed in a steel reactor vessel. And finally the steel reactor vessel is placed in a large steel and concrete housing.
As to the hot radioactive waste products they are disposed in heavily shielded cylinders. The cylinders are buried 305 to 610 metres underground.
1) Complete the sentences using correct variants:
1. A nuclear power plant releases
a) liquid products b) fission products

2. Operating nuclear power plants
a) pollute the environment b) prevent the pollution

3. the protective power plant installations
a) produce the release of fission products b) prevent the release of the fission products
4. The sealed tubes are made of

a) bronze b) stainless steel

5. The fission products are confined
a) within sealed tubes b) within open tubes

6. The steel reactor vessel is placed
a) in a concrete housing b) in a zirconium housing

7. The waste products are disposed
a) in an open vessel b) in shielded cylinders

jvhhvcx jvhhvcx    1   06.02.2021 18:08    73

mailrujl mailrujl  23.01.2024 15:26
1) A nuclear power plant releases:
b) fission products.

This is the correct answer because the passage states that any operating nuclear power plant releases fission products into the environment, causing environmental pollution.

2) Operating nuclear power plants:
a) pollute the environment.

This is the correct answer because the passage states that the release of fission products from nuclear power plants causes environmental pollution.

3) The protective power plant installations:
b) prevent the release of the fission products.

This is the correct answer because the passage states that the protective installations in nuclear power plants serve as barriers to the pollution caused by the release of fission products.

4) The sealed tubes are made of:
b) stainless steel.

This is the correct answer because the passage states that the nuclear fuel and the fission products are confined within sealed tubes made of stainless steel or zirconium.

5) The fission products are confined:
a) within sealed tubes.

This is the correct answer because the passage states that the nuclear fuel and the fission products are confined within sealed tubes made of stainless steel or zirconium.

6) The steel reactor vessel is placed:
a) in a concrete housing.

This is the correct answer because the passage states that the assembly of tubes is placed in a steel reactor vessel, and finally, the steel reactor vessel is placed in a large steel and concrete housing.

7) The waste products are disposed:
b) in shielded cylinders.

This is the correct answer because the passage states that the hot radioactive waste products are disposed in heavily shielded cylinders.

By properly understanding and answering these questions, we can see that nuclear power plants have protective installations in place to prevent the release of fission products and to dispose of waste products safely.
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