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saaxst saaxst    3   06.03.2021 19:04    52

polina5m polina5m  05.04.2021 19:09

The Kama River

The river Kama is an important river in Russia. Situated in west-central Russia, it is one of the longest tributaries of the Volga and 1, 805 kilometers long. It starts its journey in Udmurtia, near the town of Kuligi and flows north, then east, south and south-west until it reaches the Volga river. There are many cities situated on the banks of the Kama, such as Solikamsk, Berezniki and Perm.

The Kama is a valuable waterway to the Urals and Siberia and is, therefore, often used as a trade route. Its waters support a wide variety of industries and its floodplains are rich in salt and potassium. There are hydroelectric stations at Perm and petroleum is extracted in the Sylva and Iren valleys.

Although the Kama is mostly associated with industry, it remains a beautiful river nonetheless. During the winter months when the river is frozen, you can find people ice-skating and during the warmer months of the year many enjoy strolling along its banks.

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