Выберите правильный вопросительный знак.
1. You haven't got this CD,... ?
a) don't you b) haven't you c) have you
2. This is my bag,... ?
a) isn't this b) isn't it c) is it
3. She didn't buy this dress,... ?
a) did she b) didn't she c) did it
4. We're going to the cinema,... ?
a) were we b) are we c) aren't we
5. You know Henry,... ?
a) didn't you b) don't you c) aren't you

Еваююююююююююю Еваююююююююююю    2   19.02.2021 13:06    2

adelyavalieva1 adelyavalieva1  19.02.2021 13:10

1. c)

2. b)

3. a)

4. c)

5. b)

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