. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Запишите только букву ответа. 1. Hi, Alex! … country are your best friends from? a) What b) Which c) Where d) When 2. … you of the same age? a) Is b) Am c) Isn’t d) Are 3. My groupmate … his passport two hours ago. a) losed b) lost c) have lost d) has losed 4. Wales is … than England. a) as small b) as small as c) smaller d) more smaller 5. I …. my keys somewhere. I can’t find them. a) forgot b) have forgot c) forgotten d) have forgotten 6. If you …. from my school, you… English fluently. a) graduated, will speak b) graduated, would speak c) will graduate, speak d) would graduate, spoke 7. When Ronnie … his teeth, the telephone …. a) is cleaning, rang b) was cleaning, rings c) cleans, is ringing d) was cleaning, rang 8. When they … at the station, the bus …. . a) arrived, had left b) arrived, has left c) have arrived, left d) had arrived, had left 9. …. is my favourite art. a) The music b) A music c) Music d) Any music 10. He asked me if I … on my own. a) am living b) was living c) were living d) are living

alibekovberkut alibekovberkut    1   19.06.2020 10:15    1


ответ:1 b 2 D 3 b 4 c 5 d 6 b 7 d 8a 9c 10 b


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