Выберите правильный вариант для заполнения пропуска: закончите предложения выбрав правильный вариант: 1. the doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days otherwise complications . a) might set in b) had to set in c) could set in 2. mark replied he didn’t think jane by the following sunday yet. a) would have arrived b) would arrive c) had arrived 3. jerry believed that sally the book since monday, but she had read only fifty pages so far. a) had been reading b) had read c) was reading 4. the policeman warned us that the street against the red light. a) we mustn't cross b) mustn't we cross c) we don't have to cross 5. kay said that she usually bought her clothes at random, and as a result she any decent things to wear. a) hasn't b) didn't have c) doesn't have 6. the personel manager was interested to quit my present job. a) why had i decided b) why i had decided c) why i decided 7. alice explained to us that the flower shop down the road. a) was situated b) is situated c) had been situated 8. the shop assistant showed me a book and said that the book the museums of our town. a) described b) was describing c) had described 9. cecily answered she stories and poems all her life since as long as she could remember. a) had been writing b) was writing c) wrote 10. jerry said that by the end of the year he in his new house for four years. a) would have been living b) would be living c) would live 11. alice told me that coat because it wasn't long enough. a) bought b) to buy c) not to buy 12. the pupil explained to the teacher that he couldn't come to school that day because he . a) was ill b) had been ill c) is ill 13. mary said she was worried that her son very well that year. a) isn't studying b) wasn't studying c) hadn't been studying 14. the mother reminded me that i to feed the dog and take him out for a walk. a) shouldn't forget b) don't have to forget c) not to forget 15. she asked me about my schedule for the next week and i answered that i it yet. a) hadn't known b) didn't know c) wouldn't know

katyunya998 katyunya998    2   25.06.2019 06:10    13

TATAP2004 TATAP2004  02.10.2020 10:48

1. a

2. a

3. a

4. a

5. b

6. b

7. a

8. a

9. a

10. a

11. c

12. a

13. b

14. a

15. b

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