Выберите правильный вариант.1. which is best hotel in this town? a) a b) the c) – d) most2. my dictionary is on top shelf on right. a) the, the b) a, a c) the, – d) -, -3. do you want apple or banana? a) a, a b) the, the c) an, a d) -, -4. there was interesting program on tv last night. a) the, - b) an, - c) -, the d) an, the5. i’ve got good idea. a) - b) any c) the d) a6. i don’t like coffee without milk. a) -, a b) a, - c) the, the d) . don’t buy rice. we don’t need a) any b) him c) some d) one8. i’m thirsty. can i have water, please? a) any b) a c) some d) –9. do you know kalahari desert is? a) a b) an c) the d) –10. italian is a very beautiful language. a) the b) an c) a d) –11. i have known simpsons for long time. they are good people. a) -, a, - b) the, a , - c) the, -, - d) -, a, the12. spaniards talk rather quickly and expressively. a) - b) an c) a d) the13. he is at loss when it comes to his son. a) the b) a c) an d) –14. you won’t go to the night club. it is out of question. a) the b) a c) - d) an15. it was love at first sight. a) - , - b) the , the c) a, a d) -, the16. there is a gentleman in the hall wants to see you. a) who b) whose c) which d) whom17.the book is on the desk is not hers. a) whose b) who c) which d) what18. it’s the most interesting film i have ever seen. a) who b) that c) what d) whom19. i could see him through the key a) whole b) hall c) holl d) hole20. i stopped buy some milk. a) two b) too c) tow d) to21. which of the following words is odd? a) clever b) stupid c) intelligent d) witty22. which of the following words is odd? a) polite b) kind c) well-mannered d) rude23. i don’t like they always mock someone or something. a) mockers b) mockors c) mockists d) mocksion24. find the best translation for the sentence: «как насчет того, чтобы пойти в кино? » a) how for going to the cinema? b) how of going to the cinema? c) how as for going to the cinema? d) how about going to the cinema? 25. i to escape from prison but he a) tryed, not managed b) tried, wasn’t manage c) tried, didn’t manage d) tried, didn’t managed26. rewrite the following statement into a question. – “she saw mr parker in the park the other day.” a) who did she saw in the park the other day? b) who she saw in the park the other day? c) who did she see in the park the other day? d) who saw she in the park the other day? 27. the text yesterday but it tomorrow. a) wasn’t translated, will translated b) wasn’t translated, will be translated c) didn’t translated, will do translated d) wasn’t translating, will be translating28. why their child after by a babysitter? a) is looked b) looked is c) is looking d) is look29. his hand was bandaged a braid. a) byb) inc) fromd) with30. the dress was ironed my sister.a) with b) from c) by d) on

yadlos38 yadlos38    1   19.06.2019 17:50    2

Адай111111 Адай111111  15.07.2020 21:47
1 the
2 the, the
3 an, a
4 -
5 a
6 -,-
7 any
8 some
9 the
10 -
11 the, a, -
12 The
13 a
14 the
15 a, the
16 who
17 which
18 that
19 hole
20 to
21 stupid
22 rude
23 mockers
24 How about going to the cinema?
25 tried, didn’t manage
26 Who did she see in the park the other day?
27 wasn’t translated, will be translated
28 is looked
29 with
30 by
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