Выберите правильную форму причастия 4. lester fisher was standing at his office window to the street below. a looking down b having looked down c looked down 5. by the beauty of the girl’s face, lester didn’t notice that she was sitting in a wheelchair. a fascinated b being fascinated c fascinating 6. i heard them in the next room. a quarreled b quarreling c having quarreled 7. , derek told alice one of his invariable jokes and thus avoided the confession. a being pressed b pressed c having been pressed 11. she bent down and looked at the tiny kitten under the table. a sitting b having sat c having been sat 12. to see as much as possible of the town, we hired a car. a having wished b wishing c wished 13. a large bay window, from the outside wall, overlooked the ocean. a projecting b projected c being projected 15. as a taxi-driver before, leo knew every corner of the town. a having worked b working c worked

7Kamilla 7Kamilla    3   19.06.2019 23:00    89

gurova07 gurova07  02.10.2020 05:45

4. A - looking down

5. A - fascinated

6. B - quarrelling

7. A - being pressed

11. A - sitting

12. B - wishing

13. A - projecting

15. A - having worked  

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