Выберите правильную форму глагола. he usually goes/is going/has gone to school by bus. yesterday morning i was getting up/has got up/got up at 6.30. what is peter doing/does peter do/was peter doing now? please don’t make so much noise. i was studying/am studying/studied. have you heard/did you hear/do you hear anything from tom since christmas? have you gone/did you go/are you going out last night? new york is/be/does one of the largest cities in the world. it is raining/was raining/rained now. john never won/has never won/was never winning a prize at a race. we have done/did/are doing a lot last sunday. nick worked/has worked/was working hard all day yesterday. i did not find/was not finding/have not found my ring yet. they have built/build/will build this house next summer. tom was playing/played/has played tennis when ann called him.

lizasolnce2004 lizasolnce2004    2   31.08.2019 04:00    41

Angelina8672 Angelina8672  06.10.2020 06:19
2)getting up
3)is Peter doing
4)am studying
5)Have you heard
6)Did you go
8)is raining
9)has never won
12)have not found
13)will build
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