Выберите правильное объяснение ‘gender identity’

a) physical differences between males and females

b) behaviours, attitudes, and interests that a culture says are appropriate for males and females

c) generalizations about masculine and feminine attitudes and behaviour

d) awareness, developed in early childhood that one is male or female
2.. ** Carl Jung the follower of Sigmund Freud’s school of psychoanalysis.

a) was become

b) had become

с) became

3. Clinicians work much like , who also treat disturbed but who have a medical degree.

a) psychiatry

b) psychiatrist

c) psychiatrists

d) psychiatric

4. * hard Tom studies he doesn't get excellent marks.

a) although b) however c) despite d) whatever
5. * My sister is bright I'm ordinary.

a) despite b) even though c) nevertheless d) whereas
6.* Arnold's experiment failed, he didn't panic.

a) nevertheless b) while c) although d) though

zaira1979zaira11 zaira1979zaira11    3   08.04.2020 21:20    33

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