Выберите правельный вариант ответа when she was a child a) used like sweets b) use to like swets c) used to likes sweets 2-i will a) to you when i will see you b) when i will see you c) to you when i see you d) you when i see you 3-how a) do you know her for b) did you knew her for c) have you know her for d) were you know her for 4-have jim is party a) be invited too b) was invited too c) also invited d) also been invited

ано6 ано6    1   03.10.2019 18:10    0

Полина2684 Полина2684  09.10.2020 15:03

1. She used to like sweets

2. to you when I see you

3. have you known her for

4. also been invited

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