Выберите подходящее слово из списка и вставьте его в предложение) (цифра – буква):

Bank – это склон холма или берег реки.

Coast – побережье океана или моря, иногда целый регион, уходящий вглубь суши.

Shore - участок земли непосредственно возле кромки воды океана или озера.

Beach – это пляж, полоса земли вдоль берега моря или океана, реже реки или озера. Слово beach может также переводиться как «галька» (диалект).

Seaside схоже по значению с coast, но звучит менее официально; оно подразумевает не географический термин, а скорее приморский курорт, ассоциирующийся с отдыхом и развлечениями.

Strand - берег, используется редко и только в литературе и поэзии.

1. There is a small lake not far from the town and we like playing on its .

a) seaside b) bank c) coast d) shore

2. Children enjoy building sand castles on the .

a) bank b) strand c) beach d) seaside

3. This place used to be a tiny village, but nowadays it is a modern resort.

a) bank b) strand c) seaside d) beach

4. We were sitting on the river and watching fish splashing.

a) seaside b) beach c) bank d) shore

5. They spent two wonderful weeks on the of the Carrebean sea.

a) banks b) beach c) strands d) shores

6. volleyball and football are very popular nowadays.

a) bank b) beach c) strand d) shore

7. You can hardly see amny beaches along the southern of the White sea.

a) bank b) coast c) beach d) strand

8. There is a little hotel on the sea .

a) side b) beach c) strand d) shore

9. There were some boys fishing on the of the river.

a) bank b) coast c) beach d) seaside

10. Little children often play with ball at t he seaside.

a) bank b) strand c) seaside d) beach

11. Many English people often go to the in summer.

a) bank b)strand c) seaside d) beach

12. The pebbles of the seashore, especially worn by waves are called in the UK.

a) banks b) strands c) beaches d) sides

13. Brighton, a very popular city is known all over the world.

a) bank b) strand c) seaside d) beach

14. This warm current provides mild winter in the area.

( выберите правильный вариант): (цифра - буква)

1. When your luggage weighs too much, the you will be charged an fee.

a) additional b) excess c) extra d) high

2. When you get to the airport, your luggage will have to be .

a) balanced b) estimated c) sealed d) weighed

3. Passengers must their seat belts when the plane is taking off.

a) attach b) fasten c) fix d) tie

4. is a place where planes land and take off.

a) Landing b) Runaway c) Terminal d) Departure

5. If you want a cheap air ticket you must well in advance.

a) book b) buy c) engage d) reserve

6. He couldn’t his fear of flying.

a) overcome b) struggle c) give up d) win

Поставьте слова в правой колонке в такую форму, чтобы они соответствовали содержанию текста.

Travelling by air has both advantages as well as .

The advantage is that it is the fastest way to get from one place to another, especially when long distances are involved. It helps us save a lot of time. The air travelling is very comfortable. When we travel by air, we sit in the armchair, read magazines or do what we want.

A plane ticket can be purchased by telephone or
on the Internet and that is also very convenient.

Travelling by air has its disadvantages, too. First of all, flying is the most form of transportation, if reservations are not made well in advance. Some people might not be able to afford to fly on the budget airline.

Besides, air travels have the reputation of being and a lot of people are afraid of flying. Finally, travelling by air, we can’t stop wherever we want to enjoy landscapes on our way as we do it in a trip by car or boat.​

valyashchenko20 valyashchenko20    1   18.05.2020 15:37    43

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