)выберите из трех предложенных вариантов один правильный. 1. my friends … at the airport yesterday. a) were b) was c) have been 2. i just … a ticket to london. a) bought b) have bought c) did buy 3. he … to paris next week. a) have flown b) has flown c) will fly 4. you … it this year. a) did b) have done c) has did 5. look! it … . a) snows b) is snowing c) snowed

Nakonechna21 Nakonechna21    1   18.06.2019 04:10    6

Zetexer Zetexer  14.07.2020 22:12
1)a 2)b 3)c 4)a 5)b
Dydina5555521 Dydina5555521  14.07.2020 22:12
1) were
2) bought
3) will fly
4) did
5) is snowing
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