Выбери правильный вариант перевода.  

1. Хлеб чёрствый. Купи хлеба


Bread is stale. Buy the bread, please.

The bread is stale. Buy some bread, please.
2. Была ранняя весна.

It was early spring.
It was an early spring.

3. Мы не могли ничего разглядеть в темноте.

We could see nothing in darkness.
We couldn’t see anything in the darkness.

sofi0908 sofi0908    3   19.12.2020 21:59    43

Solomina2 Solomina2  18.01.2021 22:00

1.The bread is stale. Buy some bread, please.

2.It was early spring.

3.We couldn’t see anything in the darkness.

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