Выбери и обведи соответствующие местоимение,чтобы закончить предложения. 1.I have a flat. My/me flat is not very big. Do you see the children?Do you know they/them?Mum where are you/your?We are pilots .us/our place is in the sky.This is Richard's house.It/its roof is red.
Explanation: In this sentence, "my" is the correct pronoun to use as it shows possession. It refers to the speaker's flat.
2. Do you see the children? Do you know them?
Explanation: In this sentence, "them" is the correct pronoun to use as it refers to the children, who are the object of the verb "see" and "know".
3. Mum, where are you?
Explanation: In this sentence, "you" is the correct pronoun to use as it refers to the mother, who is being addressed by the speaker.
4. We are pilots. Our place is in the sky.
Explanation: In this sentence, "our" is the correct pronoun to use as it shows possession. It refers to the place belonging to the pilots.
5. This is Richard's house. Its roof is red.
Explanation: In this sentence, "its" is the correct pronoun to use as it shows possession. It refers to the roof belonging to the house.
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