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1) Who found Pele first
2) How did Pelé train at his early age?
3) What are the main steps of Pele's career?
4) Which awards does Pelé have?
5) What were happy coincidences for Pele?
6) What is the unknown name of the footballer?
7) How popular was Pelé?
Most people have never heard of the name Edson Arantes do Nas
cimento, but they have heard of Pelé. Without question, Pelé is the
greatest soccer player ever. Edson Arantes do Nascimento and Pele
are two names for the same man. Pelé was born on October 23,
1940, in Três Corações, a small village in Brazil. Soccer is the most
popular sport in Brazil, and like most other children of his age, Pelé
grew up playing soccer
Too poor to afford a soccer ball, Pelé and his playmates often made
one by tying together a bunch of rags. Their playing field was usu-
ally a sidewalk. Oldtin cans marked where the goalposts should be.
Pelé and the other boys from his neighborhood often dreamed of
one day becoming professional soccer players. They formed a neigh-
borhood soccer team, calling it the September 7 team after the name
of the street where they lived.
At the age of eleven, Pelé was discovered by Waldemar de Brito,
a former professional player. De Brito was then coach of the Ba-
uru Soccer Club. He signed Pelé to play for the junior Bauru team.
In 1956, when Pelé was fifteen, de Brito took him to the city of
Santos, Brazil, to try out for the Santos professional team. Pelé
immediately distinguished himself as one of the best players,
and he was not even sixteen years old yet
D. Pele's first game with Santos was on September 7-the name of
the street he once lived on the name of his first team, and the
date of Brazil's National Independence Day. In 1957, when Pelé
was sixteen, he was selected to play on Brazil's national team. He
scored the only goal for Brazil in the first game and another goal
in the second game. Then in 1958. Pelé helped Brazil win its first
World Cup, Between 1958 and 1970, Pelė played in four World
E. Throughout his career, Pelé had an amazing ability to move peo-
ple. Everybody wanted to see him play. In 1969, a war in Nigeria
was stopped for two days because the Santos team had been in
vited to play there and people on both sides were so eager to see
Pelé play. When Pelé retired in 1974, people thought he was leav-
ing the game for good, but six months later he signed up to play
for the New York Cosmos in the United States
F. Pelé was awarded the 1978 International Peace Award and was
named Athlete of the Century in 1980. He also was inducted into
the Black Athletes Hall of Fame in 1975. Most recently, Pelė was
named the National Olympics Committee's top athlete, even
though he never competed in the Olympics! Pele's name has be-
come synonymous with excellence in soccer. His 20-year career
has yielded some of the most memorable moments in soccer his-
tory. People today still refer to him as the great Pelé, the King of
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