Введите недостающие части слов, чтобы завершить предложения.
1 How often did you t... ex... when you studied in school?
2 My brother loves travelling, so he'd like to tr... as a tour guide.
3 What qu... do you need if you want to be a lawyer?
4 Discipline was very important in my school and the teachers were really st...
5 You have to get good gr... if you want to go to university.
6 I'm fascinated by the brain, so I'd like to study ps...
7 Parents don't have to pay to send their children to a st... sch...
8 Her husband is studying at college for a d... in hotel management.

mirapax1997ozb3lk mirapax1997ozb3lk    3   23.04.2020 14:22    65

myster2 myster2  06.01.2024 20:32
1. How often did you t a k e ex a m s when you studied in school?
Explanation: The missing parts are "take" and "exams". In school, students usually have exams or tests to assess their knowledge and progress.

2. My brother loves travelling, so he'd like to tr a v e l as a tour guide.
Explanation: The missing part is "travel". As a tour guide, one gets to travel and explore different places while guiding tourists.

3. What qu a l i f i c a t i o n s do you need if you want to be a lawyer?
Explanation: The missing part is "qualifications". To become a lawyer, one needs to have specific qualifications like a law degree and passing the bar exam.

4. Discipline was very important in my school and the teachers were really st r i c t .
Explanation: The missing part is "strict". Discipline is crucial in maintaining a well-functioning school environment, and teachers often enforce rules and expectations with strictness.

5. You have to get good gr a d e s if you want to go to university.
Explanation: The missing part is "grades". Universities often have admission requirements, and good grades are often a prerequisite for acceptance.

6. I'm fascinated by the brain, so I'd like to study ps y c h o l o g y .
Explanation: The missing part is "psychology". Psychology involves the study of the mind and behavior, including the functions of the brain.

7. Parents don't have to pay to send their children to a st a t e sch o o l .
Explanation: The missing parts are "state" and "school". In many countries, there are public or state schools where education is funded by the government, and parents don't have to pay tuition fees.

8. Her husband is studying at college for a d e g r e e in hotel management.
Explanation: The missing part is "degree". Her husband is pursuing a qualification or a degree in the field of hotel management at college.
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