Втексте существительные выписать в единственном и множественном числе +перевод this manworks at our office. i'll give you my book. this story is very interesting. a woman, a man, a boy and a girl are the room. put this knife on that table. what is your name? he keeps his toy in a box. a new house is in our street. he has a new suit. the plate was on the table. this town is very large. is that girl your sister? is this a good student? is this a good match? the student put his book on the desk. that house is new.

wardian wardian    2   31.07.2019 02:10    0

cbnybrjds cbnybrjds  03.10.2020 18:09
Man, men (мужчина, человек)
Office, offices (офис)
Book, books (книга)
Story, stories (история)
Woman, women (читается как вимин - женщина, -ы)
Boy, boys (мальчик)
Girl, girls (девочка)
Knife, knives (нож)
Table, tables (стол)
Name, names (имя)
Toy, toys (игрушка)
Box, boxes (коробка, рамка)
House, houses (дом)
Street, streets (улица)
Suit, suits (костюм)
Plate, plates (блюдо)
Town, towns (небольшой город)
Sister, sisters (сестра)
Student, students (ученик средней и старшей школы, студент)
Match, matches (матч, спичка, пара)
Desk, desks (парта)
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