Вставьте вместо точек глагол to be в present indefinite 1.my mother … a shop-assistant. she … at home now. 2. my sisters … students.they … at the university now. 3. this … my book. it … on the table. 4. where … the dog? it … on the chair. 5. i … a doctor. i … at home. 6. they … not in moscow now. they … in paris. 7. where … she? she … in her room. 8. there a pen and two pencils on the table. 9. there some milk in the glass. 10. there no maps on the wall.

FenniXDouble FenniXDouble    1   24.07.2019 16:10    1

alsusetyarova05 alsusetyarova05  24.09.2020 06:56
1. is. is
2. are. are
3. is. is
4. is. is
5. am. am
6. are. are
7. is. is
8. are
9. is
10. are
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