Вставьте в пропуски already, ever, yet, just по смыслу в данных предложениях. 1. have you … been to south africa? 2. have you … finished writing your essay or did you finish it earlier? – i haven’t finished it … . 3. shall i pay the waiter? – no, i‘ve …paid the bill. 4. have you … spoken to a famous person? 5. ann, lay the table. i’ve .. cooked dinner. 6. they don’t know what the problem is. they have … arrived. 7. is it a good film? – yes, it’s the best i have … seen. 8. the post hasn’t come … . 9. she has … explained the situation to me. 10. he hasn’t invited me to the party … . 11. nobody has found the lost city of atlantis

ivabogdan ivabogdan    1   11.07.2019 20:00    7

stepura032 stepura032  06.08.2020 23:26
1- ever
2- just
3- yet, already
4- just
6-не знаю
7- ever
9-не знаю
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