Вставьте в предложения пропущенные слова who( который - о
человеке), whose (чей), which (который-о предмете), where (где, куда), why (почему),
when (когда)

1 Is that a hotel you stay every summer?
2. This is a reason I was late yesterday.
3. Is this a woman husband works abroad?
4. This is the house roof was blown off by the strong wind last month.
5. That was a year our family moved to Moscow.
6. The car is near to our house is my uncle's.
7. I'm writing a letter to my friend lives in Moscow.
8. I can show you the place I like walking.
9. The reason I don't like swimming in the ocean is that I'm afraid of sharks.
10. The book I bought yesterday is very interesting.

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