Вставьте something, somebody, anybody, nobody, nothing, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere. anything) 1. Open the door
... is knocking.
2. Did you ask ... to help you?
3. He saw ... strange in the darkness.
4. I found bag in the street.
5. Don't hope that ... will help you. You can do it yourself.
6. I was ringing you up the whole day yesterday, but ... answered.
7. They will go
8. ... serious happened to him that day.
likes to be ill.
10. We couldn't find our dog
11. I think this house is
12. She will go ... tomorrow.
tomorrow. She will stay at home.
13. You may write .. you want.
14. I see ... in this room. It's too dark.
15. I have never seen
like this.
16. ... wants to lose a job.
17. ... likes to play this game: it's dull.

MaryWintlstone MaryWintlstone    2   18.09.2021 18:52    6

Darjana13 Darjana13  18.09.2021 19:00
1) somebody 2) anybody 3) something 4) ??? 5) somebody 6) nobody 7) somewhere 8) nothing 9) nobody 10) anywhere 11) somewhere 12) nowhere 13) something 14) nothing 15) anything 16) nobody 17) nobody
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