Вставте слова в место пропусков. получите много ! great britain is a (1) country, a kingdom in (2) europe. it lies on several islands and has a (3) of about 63 mln people/ great britain is capital is (4) and the national currency is a (5). (6) is the main language/ the climate of great britain is very (7). there are lot of (8) falling out all the year round. the wind brings rain from the (9) ocean. snow only (10) occasionally and doesn't stay for long except in the (11) of scotland/ the usual (12) in england and wales are +4 c(температура) in january and +16 c(температура) in july and august/ a lot of tourists come to great britain every year to do some (13) in its big and small towns. вставляйте просто слова пример: 5.pound думаю поняли! на вас

mahachkala1 mahachkala1    1   19.06.2019 02:20    14

Polina19790 Polina19790  15.07.2020 13:26
1 monarchy
2. West
3. population
4. London
5. pound
6. English
7. wet
8. rains
9. North
10. falls
11. mountains
12. temperature
13. photos
Не везде уверена, но примерно так
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