Вставьте: six littel words. there i (is,are,was) six littel words that can help you a lot when you hurt ( (your,you,yours) friend on purpose or not. so (say,says,said) the six words, don*t (to wait,wait,waiting) too iong! if you*ve hurt you friend say,"i (is,are,am) sorry.i was wrong". a different languange. i met a littel girl, who came (another,others) land. i (could not,can not) speak her languange, but i (take,takes,took) her by the hand. we danced together, had (much,many) fun , (dancing,to dance,dances) is the languange you can speak with anyone.
2) your.
3) say.
4) wait.
5) am.
6) another.
7) could not.
8) took.
9) much.
10) dancing.