Вставьте пропуски
2. She needs … water. She is really thirsty. the - an a
3. Those were the happiest days of our … . lifes lives lifees
4.It is a very good project, but … is better. us our ours
5. Don't touch your sister's clothing. Those sweaters are … and she'll be very angry if she finds you wearing them without permission. theirs his her hers
6. I went to the store … foot yesterday. I really like taking short walks once in a while. in on out under
7. Why don't you come with …? We're going to have a great time at the party. you us our their
8.Why don't you trust …? I said I would do it and I will. I mine me my
9.I don’t like going by car. If I have a chance, I always go on … . foots foot feet
10. Their flat is … than ours. more large the larger larger
11. Listen! Somebody … a lovely song. is singing are singing sings 12.Don't touch …! I told you that I never want to see you again, so get out of my house! my myself mine me
13.I have to go to the grocery store. Can I use … your car, Mom? the an a -
14.He speaks … Spanish. the an -
15. Big … don’t cry. boys boyes
16.How old ... your brother? are am is
17. Hey John! We … here. am is are
18. My friend…not an engineer. He…a programmer. are; are are; am is; is are; is
19. My mother … in the kitchen. am is are
20. Will you put the diskette… the box, please. into from above in 21.Don’t make so much noise. I … to work. Tried ’m triing ’m trying
22. The children are…the lesson. in at by
23.His pencil case … at home. is am are
24. How do you go…work? – I go…bus. on; with to; on to; by at; with 25.Nick and Sally … each other since their school years. knowed knew have known
26.Every day I help my Mom about the house, but last week I was very busy with my exam. So I … her much. didn’t help didn’t helped not helped
27. … Dad … any brothers or sisters? Does… have Have.…got Does… has
28. Yesterday I found … wallet in the street. a the - An
29. Two … of my income I spend on my pet’s food. twelfth twelve twelves twelfths
30. We … a holiday last year. haven’t had haven’t have didn’t have
31. There isn't ... juice in the bottle. Much Many a few a lots of
32. When you rang me yesterday, I … a bath. had were having had had was having
33. Выберите верный перевод предложения: У меня немного работы сегодня. I haven't much work to do today. I haven't many work to do today. I haven't a much work to do today. I haven't most work to do today.
34. We … a car, but we are going to buy it. hasn’t aren’t have don’t have 35.Выберете форму Past Simple глагола to know. known knew knowed kept
36. I don’t speak any foreign languages, but I … English now. am learning learn
37. I …. that man because I … English. don’t understand… not know not understand… don’t know don’t understand… don’t know
38. A lot of people want to have stylish cars very ... but they don't have enough money to buy them. Many Much Well strong
39. Выберите верный перевод предложения: Принеси мне немного горячего молока и снотворное. Please, give me some warm milk and a pill. Please, bring me some hot milk and a sleepy pill. Please, bring me any hot milk and a sleeping pill. Please, bring me some hot milk and a sleeping pill.
40. It is extremely difficult for ... people to learn foreign languages. The Any Some few
41. Every … person in our company is not satisfied with his salary. third three the third
42. В каком предложении необходимо вставить артикль? She bought _ meat yesterday. My _ cousin is upset. I see _ book in your hand. It is my sister's _ bag.
43. Can I have ... sugar in my tea, please? Any Something Some anything
44. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово: … were you doing last Monday at 6 o’clock? What Why When who
45. Выберите верный перевод предложения: Он живет в том белом доме. He lives in this white house. He lives in that white house. He lives in these white house. He lives in those white house.
46. Вставьте пропущенные слова: A: did she a job?B: In the car factory. When / get Where / got Who / get Where / get
47. You … in Paris tomorrow evening. arrive will arrive arriving
48. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово:… was my dog in the evening? … is he so muddy (грязный)? when/what where/why whom/when who/where
49. They closed the door behind ... . itself them Themselves ourselves 50. I didn’t send a letter, … I? didn’t do Am did

dimon5434 dimon5434    2   02.07.2020 12:07    154

miao2 miao2  03.07.2020 01:01


2.-  (She needs water)









11.is singing







18.is is



21.'m trying



24.to by

25.have known

26.didn't help

27.Does have



30.didn't have


32.was having

33.I haven't much work to do today.

34.don't have


36.am learning

37.don't understand ... don't know


39.Please, bring me some hot milk and a sleeping pill.



42.необходимо вставить артикль:

    She bought the meat yesterday.

    I see a/the book in your hand.


44.What were you doing last Monday at 6 o’clock?

45.He lives in that white house.


47.will arrive





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