Вставьте предлоги with или by. 1. the boy cut his knife. 2. the boat was carried waves into the open sea. 3. the teacher was work. 4. america was . 5. "hamlet" was written shakepeare. 6. we eat spoon. 7. he was knife. 8. he was the robbers. 9. he was knocked big stick. 10. he was knocked car. 11. he was taken to an ambulance. 12. he was very effective drugs. 13. he was cured.. a very skilful doctor. 14. he wrote his pencil. 15. he was his mother

ДимаЛапа ДимаЛапа    3   15.06.2019 05:20    6

gcgxbxh gcgxbxh  12.07.2020 13:23
1) with
2) by
3) with
5) by
6) with
7) with
8) by
9) with
10) by
11) by
12) with
13) by
14) with
15) by
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