Вставьте предлоги в предложения ( to, by, into, over)
1. When we came the game was …
2. He went … school.
3. She came … my room, no resolution.
4. The book was brought … the girl.
5. The pencil belongs … me.
6. The document was signed … the director.
7. The ball fall … the water.
8. She is going … the sea.
9. Repeat the texts … again.
10. He quickly climbed … the fence.
11. I think … your propositions.
12. The sunny weather will be all … the country.
13. She went … the river.
14. They go … home.
15. The pupils came … the classroom.
16. The dog went … the lake.
17. Put money … the pocket.
18. He couldn’t sleep and turn side … side.
19. The lamp is… the bookcase.
20. My sister prefers travelling … car.

5тата282 5тата282    3   03.05.2020 12:45    7

anka4323 anka4323  18.08.2020 11:47

1 over

2 to

3 into

4 by

5 to

6 by

7 into

8 to

9 by

10 to

11 не знаю

12 over

13 to

14 to

15 into

16 to

17 into

18 to

19 into

20 by


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