Вставте предлоги 30 the two men airplanes looking the window. one of them, philip swallow, has flown before; but so seldom, such long intervals that each occasion he suffers the same trauma. while the ground, preparing his journey, he thinks flying exhilaration. his confidence begins to fade when he arrives. the airport and winces the shrill screaming.. jet the sky the planes look very small. the runway they look very big. he be gins to think that he is entrusting his life .. a machine, fallible and subject decay another, morris zapp, is a seasoned veteran.. domestic airways having flown.. the the usa, bound. conferences lecture dates and assignations. he, however, seldom enters an air- wondering whether he is about to feature air the week.. the nation's tv networks. normally such morbid thoughts visit him only the beginning and the a flight.