Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол, обратите внимание на временную форму модальных глаголов. 1) dairy cattle, that is, dairy cows provide milk that … be used in making various dairy products. 2) one … provide farm animals with proper feeds. 3) the problem of supplying the population with meat is the one that … be solved in the near future. 4) during the first days after birth animals are weak and … die if proper care is not provided. 5) cowsheds, sheep-pens, pigsties and poultry houses … be comfortable for livestock and workers who take care of the animals. 6) dairy cows … be provided with plenty of bedding, such as clean, dry straw in the barns where they are kept. 7) when not on pasture cows … take exercise to be in good breeding condition.

danil3331116 danil3331116    2   19.07.2019 10:20    2

XXL18 XXL18  22.09.2020 12:16
1)  can  2) must  3) may  4) may  5) must 6) should 7) should
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