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Beverly Hills is just a few minutes drive from the centre of Hollywood and is _ of the wealthiest neighbourhoods in the USA.It's filled with rich and famous people and, if you visit, you'll find glamour and luxury.You're_likely to see limousines and Ferraris parked outside the houses here than_else in the world.
Although its name suggest a hilly landscape, Beverly Hills is a relatively flat area south_Sunset Boulevard.For the more exclusive neighbourhoods, you need _go further north, while the city's most spectacular mansions are far away in the hills.
Most people_visit Beverly Hills want to see a Hollywood star or any other celebrity.The problemis, if you start wandering around the residential areas_foot, you're likely to be stopped_a police officer to find out what you're doing there.It's probably better to book a place on an organized tour.You'll be driven down the avenues, stopping at the gates of the most famoys homes-but I'm afraid that's about as far_you'll get.