Вставьте необходимые модальные глаголы: сan, could, be able to, must, have to, should. 1) it is late. i … go now. 2) you really … work harder if you want to pass the exams. 3) george can`t come out with us this evening. he … work. 4) she is a really nice person. you … meet her.

mrdaaly mrdaaly    1   17.07.2019 09:20    1

wista196 wista196  21.09.2020 16:55
3) It is late. Ihave to go now.
4) You really must work harder if you want to pass the
5) George can`t come out with us this evening. He
has to work.
6) She is a really nice person. You should meet her.
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