Вставьте наречия never*, already*, just* в нужное место каждого утвердительного предложения (согласно схеме выше) и переведите их. пример. jack has washed the dog. — 1.jack has never washed his dog. 2.jack has already washed his dog. 3.jack has just washed his dog 1) jack has washed the dog. 2)father has cleaned his car. 3)granny has bought me some cakes. 4)they have painted their old house. 5)my sister has cooked breakfast.

ledytyt13 ledytyt13    3   18.09.2019 00:00    16

funnybotan2000 funnybotan2000  07.10.2020 22:54
Father has never cleaned his car.
Father has already cleaned his car.
Father has just cleaned his car.

Granny has never bought me some cakes.
Granny has already bought me some cakes.
Granny has just  bought me some cakes.

They have never painted their old house.
They have already painted their old house.
They have just painted their old house.

My sister has never cooked breakfast.My sister has already cooked breakfast.
My sister has just cooked breakfast.
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