Вставьте, где нужно, артикль. so, this is place. i've always wanted to have look at it. house was built by my grandfather just after war. 2. he took girl down to ground floor and out to terrace. on steps she stopped to say good-bye. 3. chapter one contains description of early history of my hero. 4. open books on page 25. 5. it's first volume and chapter 32 is in second. 6. he put volume one back on shelf. 7. two people can't live as cheaply as one. 8. two girls looked alike though resemblance did not lie in their features. 9. our flat is on second floor and kitchen commands beautiful view of yard. 10. he took third sandwich and continued eating in silence.

Еля2005 Еля2005    2   02.10.2019 13:40    20

mamaevseenko mamaevseenko  09.10.2020 11:50

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