Вставьте артикул 6. we have just had dinner with … smiths. 7. they have just bought … new house with … small garden. 8. i spoke to the official and he gave me … very good advice. 9. they lived in … new house in … centre of … town. 10. would you like orange?

ник5040 ник5040    3   10.07.2019 09:30    1

danila9988p09k31 danila9988p09k31  17.09.2020 11:46
We have just  had dinner with the Smiths. 7. They have just bought a new house with a small graden. 8. I spoke to the official and he gave me a very good advice. 9. They lived in a new house in the centre of the town. 10. Would you like an orange?
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