Вставьте am, is или are. 1) you … clever. 2) their address … long. 3) these books … good. 4) the boys … good at school. 5) his grandfather and grangmother … old. 6) i… in class 5. 7) you … nice

bykhan2 bykhan2    3   20.06.2019 12:00    0

xxlllxxx xxlllxxx  16.07.2020 12:20
1. are
2. are
3. are
4. are
5. are
6. am
7. are
nikitavadimovih nikitavadimovih  16.07.2020 12:20
1) You is clever.
2) Their address is long.
3) These books is good.
4) The boys is good at school.
5) His grandfather and grangmother is old.
6) Iam in class 5.
7) You isnice
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