Вставить when, who, which, that, where, whose 1. i need friend will never let me down. 2. kate is teacher at our school has never been abroad. she's afraid of flying. 3. my grandfather sweater you are wearing was a very nice man. 4. my friend went to spain it's warm and sunny. 5. the theatre you have seen in the pictures isn't far away from here. 6. his parents were doctors worked in the hospital down the road. 7. look at mary. she has seen something scared her. 8. the pushkin novel i like best in barishnya krestyanka. 9. i've read a book was very interesting. 10. the benches are in the house of lords are red.
Вставить when, who, which, that, where, whose
1. I need friend who will never let me down. - друг, который...
2. Kate who is teacher at our school has never been abroad. She's afraid of flying. Катя, которая...
3. My grandfather whose sweater you are wearing was a very nice man. - ... чей свитер ты носишь...
4. My friend went to Spain when it's warm and sunny.- ...когда тепло...
5. The theatre which you have seen in the pictures isn't far away from here. Театр, который...
6. His parents were doctors who worked in the hospital down the road. ...врачи, которые...
7. Look at Mary. She has seen something that scared her. ...что-то, что испугало ее...
8. The Pushkin novel which I like best in Barishnya Krestyanka. ...поэма, которая нравится..
9. I've read a book which was very interesting. - книгу, которая...
10. The benches which are in the House of Lords are red. - Скамейки, которые...